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What would a school prayer amendment do?

Most of the school prayer amendments proposed over the years would do one of three things:

Amendments that would restore state-written prayers.

Amendments that would allow group prayers in the public schools.

Amendments that would allow for voluntary prayer.

Additionally, we note that, on the state level, many religious conservatives advocate moment of silence laws, i.e., laws that would establish a moment of undirected silence in the public schools during which students can pray, meditate, or daydream so long as it is done silently. While such laws appear to be constitutional on the basis of recent Supreme Court rulings (Wallace v. Jaffree, 1985), most separationists consider such laws unnecessary (since school students already have the right to pray). Additionally, separationists note that moment of silence laws, while technically legal, can be implemented in an unconstitutional manner as, for example, when teachers clearly indicate that they wants their students to pray during those moments of silence.

Separationists would object to all three categories of school prayer amendments on both Constitutional and practical grounds.

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